Monday, January 29, 2007

Add’l Note for December 21-22, 2006 (Thursday-Friday)

Dr Harris called back on December 22nd, as she promised she would on December 21st. She researched the Feline Hodgkin’s-type Lymphoma on the Internet. She found there is not a lot of information on this type of cancer. It has only been documented vaguely over the past few years. She did find that so far studies are showing the cancer responds well to treatment. Cats appear to have an 85% chance of survival. However, the cats that were studied – 20 – had a variety of outcomes. Some were treated with surgery and some with chemotherapy. She says those who had surgery survived 7 months to 4 years. However, she says she has not seen surgeries to the throat area of a cat to be very successful, as there are a lot of vessels and nerves that can be accidentally damaged resulting in death. Those cats who were treated with chemotherapy survived 6 months to 1 ½ years.

I asked Dr. Harris, “If Ashley was your cat what would you do?” She said knowing what she does know about it (the cancer) and the 85% recovery rate, she would treat her.

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