Monday, January 29, 2007

November 10, 2006 (Friday)

I called Dr. Wellman’s office to see if they got the results back for Ashley’s lab work. I called once Monday or Tuesday, but they weren’t back yet. Dr. Wellman apologized for not calling. He thought he had. He had the record marked that he had called.

The results were:
* Negative for all feline viruses.
* Thyroid in gray zone (not hyper or hypo, but not completely normal)
* He doesn’t recommend putting her through surgery just yet, as it is very risky. There are a lot of large blood vessels and nerves and all which could be accidentally cut. She could die in surgery. Many cats do not survive throat surgery. It would need a specialist to do the surgery anyway; Dr. Wellman does not feel comfortable doing it.
* Doesn’t want to start her on any radioactive iodine therapy (for any thyroid problems –hyper/hypo) just yet either. She would need more testing to be sure it’s a thyroid problem first.
* Because we are dealing with Ashley’s throat, Dr. Wellman wants to be sure of what it is before prescribing treatment. The lump hasn’t grown since it was first noticed the weekend of October 14-15th. Therefore, Dr. Wellman asked us to keep an eye on her for the next few weeks. He’d like to see her again in about 6 weeks, just before Christmas, unless there’s a problem.

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